Salut les gens !
Petite question : Si je fais un Enticement sur un méchant gros bill de mon adversaire est ce que je peux lui demander de faire son petit Test of Sincerity en suivant sachant que je serais le contrôleur actuel de la bête
Le texte des cartes :
Test of Sincerity
Open: Target another player's Personality. His controller may have him commit seppuku; if he choose this, he gains 4 Honor. If he did not choose this, dishonor the Personality, and his controller loses 2 Honor; if he is now below his starting Family Honor, he may ignore Personalities' Honor Requirements until the game ends.
Open: Pay Gold equal to the total Gold Cost of the targeted Personality's unit: Lose 3 Honor. Take control of a target Personality. While you control him, you may not assign his unit to attack and he will not move to attack. Before this turn ends, give control of him to his owner.
Si c'est possible ça serait cool
, ça ouvrirait la porte à quelques situations bien débiles...